Thanks for landing on this page, below is some tips to help you becoming more professional at work place.
Your presentation
1. No more overly casual out fit

If you want to wear pyjama, stay at home, if you come to work, make sure you look at least decent. Most companies (I worked in) do not require formal attire, but I do make sure my wardrobe has casual and professional sections.
2. Wear your mini skirt on vacation
There is no harm to wear a flattering outfit, I do that too when attending a party, go shopping, on vacation, etc. But in a professional context, I personally prefer to stand out by exceling my working skills rather than flattering others with an inappropriate outfit – this includes low cut cleavage tops, mini skirt, etc.
I specifically mention mini skirt because once a girl walking around with her mini skirt accidentally tugged in her underpants, as we are working in an office with 90% males, no one dared to point it out, in the end, a sweet male intern told me secretly so that I can help her fix it.
I know some feminists will react and say it is one’s right to wear whatever she wants, yes it’s true, absolutely. But you cannot change other people’s perceptions on you yet, particularly in a professional context, I guess you want to be taken seriously.
Your tele communication
3. Try not to call other people unless it is urgent or planned
Nowadays with the invention of instant messages, the direct phone/Skype calls are becoming a bit intrusive especially when a long conversation is needed. I personally would ask the person via text beforehand to check if it is a good time to call.
4. Leave a voice mail if the other person did not get the chance to answer your phone call
If you really have to call but the other person is not able to answer, do leave a message by introducing yourself and the matter, and request the person to call you back if necessary. I feel very annoyed when I see an unknown number calling me multiple times without leaving a voice mail. For a few times even when I called back, it was either advertisement or scam call, professional ones usually leave a voice message.
5. Set your phone to silent mode when at work
I leave my phone always in silent mode when I am at work, if anyone needs me, I will respond back when I get a chance to look at my phone. Otherwise the constant ring or messaging sound is disturbing others as well as a distraction to my work.
6. Do not let your phone ring for a long time
I totally get it that some people have to leave the sound on because they are expecting phone calls at work. If you are in an open space or meeting room, you should not let it ring continuously for a long time. Pick it up immediately or hang up, do you really need time to decide while it rings?
7. Ignore phone calls when you are in meetings or discussions
If you are in a discussion but expect a call, inform the other beforehand that you are expecting a call and might need to step out.
If an unexpected call arrives in the middle of your discussion, ignore, or otherwise ask your meeting members to excuse you and step out of the room immediately.
Open space
8. Why don’t you take your discussions to a meeting room?
In one of my previous companies, the open space was always quiet, discussion is usually taken place in a cubical or in a meeting room. However in another previous workplace, people have to wear noise cancellation headphones to focus as the open space was very noisy like a market.
I personally would like to be able to focus on my desk without any gadgets.
Some people like to argue or have conf call discussions in open space with loud voice, this is extremely unprofessional, everyone deserves a peaceful working space rather than polluted with unrelated disturbance.
9. Put your devices in silence mode
Some people like to leave the loud sound of his or her computer or telephone, worst of all, messaging sound beeps all the time, I do not get what the reason is behind.
Your security awareness

10. Lock your computer when you are not at your desk
When you go to the rest room, lunch, or for a short meeting, don’t forget to lock your computer. Most of the companies make this a security rule, as you never know who is walking around, and they might take control of your computer.
11. Don’t leave your assets (phone, wallet, badge…) unattended
In Meetings

At work it is a blessing to have a good meeting, so many people waste so much time on meaningless meetings. In otder to have an efficient meeting especially with a large number of audiences, the meeting needs to be prepared.
12. Meeting agenda and goal
When you walk into a meeting room, you should know more or less the agenda of it, especially when you are chairing the meeting. If you are a participant, ask yourself what do you want to take away from this meeting.
13. Your participation
Are you attentive during the meeting? Are you looking at your phone, computer, or even sleeping? Sometimes there are meetings I feel I don’t need to be there, I usually politely check again with the organizer if I can be excused. Time is precious, don’t waste your time on un-relevant meetings!
14. Interruption
Manage your conversation by leaving some space for others to ask questions, if someone interrupts you, kindly ask him or her to wait until you finish.
And of course, avoid interrupting others.
15. Meeting notes
Meeting minutes are great things, it concludes discussion and clarifies things on a written manner.
Your behaviour
16. Stay calm at all times
At work it is essential to stay calm at all times, even when you are stressed, pissed or tired, if you feel you’re going to lose it, breath, or tell a joke.
17. React to bullies
Check this post: How to know and deal with workplace bullies
18. Most importantly – Be nice
Workplace can be a tough place, not only you need to deal with endless workload, but also with all kinds of people. Take the first step of being a pleasant colleague is already the first step of being professional. Of course, being nice does not have to compromise your assertiveness.
Related movie – Legally Blond (2001)
I would like to recommend a movie Legally Blond (2001), it tells a story about how a cosmo girl graduated from Harvard law school, despite the success, everything in this movie about her is everything but professional. Nevertheless, I liked it back then because it tells us that we intend to improve ourselves for the love of another person, but after our success, we will find that another person no longer deserves me.