I remember back in the year 2012, the last year of my study in university, I was so fed up with attending the lectures, the labs, and projects, I just wanted to get my diploma and started working! I guess the real problem was not because that I hated study, but rather I did not have any idea how the knowledge I acquired in school can be applied in work or life.

Funny thing is, somewhere in 2017, after 5 years of professional life, I considered going back to school!
In this post, I will share some of my experiences on becoming a student again.
Define the reason and the subject – 为什么想重回学校,想学什么
The good thing comparing work to study is that people around you at work are different in experiences, background, major, characteristic, etc, however, in (day time) school, everyone is more or less busy with the same thing.
我觉得工作和学生时代最大的不同其实是身边的人,想想学生时代,大家都是那么淳朴,在一起上学的人学习心思和背景也都差不多,都是一心只读圣贤书,希望早日找到工作。 然而,开始工作以后就会发现,身边的人每个人都有自己的故事,来自不同的学校,有着不同的工作经历,从他们身上能学到的东西真的是太多了。
In 2016, I was still working in an Engineering consulting company, I noticed that those colleagues I admired had something in common: They all had first one engineering master’s degree, then later on a degree in MAB, or master of management.
With my background in Electronics Engineering, I ended up in IT eventually, my first choice of program was “Information Management” in KU Leuven. Luckily after chatting with people around, the suggestion for me was actually a pure management program, instead of another technical program, I should choose a program to complement my technical background.
我的学习背景是电子工程,在选择学习项目的时候,我一开始的选择其实是鲁汶大学的“信息管理”硕士项目,因为这个项目的课程和我之前的学习和现在的工作都有交叉,相当一是一个升华。 我拿着这个想法咨询了一下身边的前辈,他们很建设性地跟我说,这个项目比较偏技术,管理的知识只是皮毛,它可以给我提供的知识在我工作的着5年我已经学到了。想要更加有挑战的学习项目,应该考虑纯粹的管理硕士项目。 我听取了他们的建议。在比利时,有好几所大学(VUB, Solvay, Ichec, UCL…)提供纯管理的硕士项目,而且是在晚上和周末,不会太耽误工作。
In Belgium, there are multiple options for such evening programs:
Part-time / Full-time 半工还是全职上学?
I was never planning on having a career break in order to follow the master program, my career was not blocked by anything, I simply wanted to improve my financial and management skills, for the future, in case needed. Naturally, I looked for programs in the evenings.
If you feel that extra study is an added value for your current work, I suggest you keep the current work and follow a program in the evening or weekend. A lot of universities offer serious evening programs for work students. In the end, it is good to keep the salary paycheck.
However, if you are striving for is something completely different from what you are doing now, which means it requires a significant amount of effort, you’d better concentrate on what you are striving for, my friend Luxi quitted being an engineer and went back to medical school after 3 years of working, and she is very happy about the decision and super motivated.
Is it possible to combine study and work? 一边工作一边上学可以吗?
The program I chose is Msc in Management from VUB (Vrije Universiteit of Brussels), the program itself (78 credits) in one year is quite heavy for a full-time working student. People who follow it in 1 year have lectures every single evening, also often on Saturday morning.
I was not yet so committed to such a heavy schedule, so I chose to spread it in 2 years, in the end, I go to school max 3 times per week, heavy, but quite doable.
If you are wondering if it is possible to combine full-time work and study in 1 year? The answer is, hard, but not impossible, people who did it told me, that their personal life was put on hold for this whole year, but they managed and got the diploma in the end!
What about life? 对个人生活的影响
Personally, my life is not too much affected, so far, with very careful planning, I am still able to manage my work, study, visit friends, watch movies, etc. The main reason is, thank god, I have a very very supportive husband!
He gave me permission to put aside my household a bit and focus on my work and study, which is a great asset for me, this is also my secret of a high level of energy.
我的个人生活并没有多少影响,到目前为止,如果仔细计划,我还是可以找到时间工作,换工作,学习,和朋友聚聚,偶尔去运动一下,看看电影。除了因为我把课程分成两年来上,另外一个更重要的原因是,我的老公孙睿,对我的决定给与的是绝对的支持! 他允许我把家务放一边,好好学习,这也是为什么别人都很好奇,学习加上工作我还有这么多精力,所以找对老公很重要! 呵呵

Is it difficult to follow the lectures? 上课能完全听懂吗?
I am extremely happy that I eventually decided to follow this program, I honestly cannot wait to go to the class each evening. I no longer have the feeling of 6 years ago, management courses are not that hard any way, but more importantly, after some years of working experience, the knowledge seems more applicable and easier to be understood.
其实我记得在学生时代,很多时候大学里讲的东西都是似懂非懂的,因为没有在现实生活中应用的知识很快就会被人遗忘。现在的我特别期待每次的课程,我很少迟到,从没旷课,老师讲的都能听懂,其实不是人开窍了,而是工作了一段时间以后,环境中的这些实践知识已经有了,现在有人来给你讲理论,当然很容易就能与实践联系在一起。 所以工作之后重回学校是一件特别推荐的事。
Student projects 学生项目
Like other master programs, there are student projects, interesting part is, in our program, some of the students are working students, while others are full-time students. Combining those students in student projects is interesting because the views and availabilities are different. On the other hand, some people might prefer to work with working students only, for the same value, availability, and schedule, make sure you know what you want when choosing project groups!
relationship with other students 和其他学生之间的关系
Perhaps many people think back to school means back to school life, it is a pity for me because it is really too hard.
My schedule only allows me to hurry to the lecture and hurry back home and prepare for the next day, my interaction with the 70+ students is only within 10. I am also completely out of the loop about the classroom drama due to lack of interest, while before (5 years ago) I was always curious and sometimes even part of it, I guess it is the consequence of getting older,
What benefit can you get in Belgium as a working student? 比利时政府会给工作学生一些什么支持
In Belgium, if you follow such a program, you are entitled to Educational leave for up to 15 days per year. Be sure to check your right and process to apply here.
A special thanks to all my friends and families who supported me on this decision and continue to support me on every step!
Read more about Belgium:
Manage your resignation in Belgium
What should you do after getting a job offer in Belgium
How can you spend the 250 euro eco cheques?
Tas refund in Belgium – Optimise your income tax
Health insurance, are you using it to its full potential?
Check all the leaves you might have missed while working in Belgium
Back to school – working student in Belgium
Fun facts about divorces in Belgium
Holiday periods – Belgium vs China
Getting to know about Flemish people
Picture reference: https://www.bruzz.be/actua/vub-student-wint-scriptieprijs-met-studie-voetbaltransfers-2017-12-19
Your article reminds me my impluse of taking an acedemic lecture online several months ago which inversely I’ve forgot for quite a while.
It sometimes pops during work why I didn’t digest those theories when I was in school. Just cannot agree with you any more that with some project experience, those lectures become more vivid. 
Hey Qiao!
Nice to hear from you

Check with your friends, colleagues and hear their advice also to see if it is beneficial to take the online course!
Time flies, 2018 is already ending. I haven’ made my new year resolution list yet, but the online course could you one of your items