It has been officially 10 years since I first set my foot in the land of Belgium. I remember it was a chilling morning in September 2009, I arrived at Brussels Airport with a few of my my fellow students, curious, excited and scared, I was 19 years old. Luckily, the staff from international office of our university were already waiting at the arrival hall, and took us to the campus with a bus, invited us for breakfast in the canteen and then arranged the kot (Belgian way of saying student room) for us.
There are 2 reasons why I started blogging about my school:
- Last weekend I attended again the annually held Chinese new year celebration, I met lots of the alumni like myself, the professors, the staff… Since my parents were visiting, I took them for a small visit in the building, I explained in details about where and how I used to study for 3 years.
- As mentioned in one of my previous blog, Since last September (year 2018), I started going back to university again as a working student, in Brussels this time. Lots of the students in my class are full time studying students, looking at their situation, it reminded me of my pure student life back 10 years ago, where study was my main goal.
My alma mater is officially called Groep T – International university college Leuven, since 2013, it was renamed to KU Leuven – Campus Groep T as it was integrated with KU Leuven, I will refer it as Groep T hereafter.
我的母校全名是:Groep T – 鲁汶国际工学院, 从2013年开始,由于并入鲁汶大学故而改名为:鲁汶大学Groep T 校区。
What do I miss most about Groep T?
我最想念Groep T 的是什么?
The building 学校的建筑
The Groep T building is one of the most modern university building I’ve seen. Natural light comes from the top which aluminates the whole building, the bottom is a open square where all kinds of activities or receptions took place, the roof and the ground floor is connected via a spiral shape, classrooms are located at outer side of the building, surrounding the spiral. There are 3 ways students can access the classrooms, via the elevator, via the stairs, or simply by walking the spiral up where for sure you will meet lots of people.
Groep T 的教学大楼是我见过的最有创意的教学楼之一。自然光从上而下照亮整栋楼,地面是一个空旷的广场,主要用于学校的活动,或者reception,顶楼和地面是有螺旋状的走廊连接而成,教室则分布在都得最外面围绕着整个螺旋走廊。
The unique professors 有个性的老师们
I am sure everyone remembers their favourite professors and the Chinese nicknames we gave to them. They all have very interesting background, check a funky fish here. 🙂
The international office 国际办公室老师们
Small study group – 小而精的学习小组
There were only 4 engineering majors in Grope T – Electronics & ICT, Mechanics Engineering, BioChemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, there were 2 study groups for each major, English speaking group (International students) and Dutch speaking group (local students), the study content and professors were exactly the same.
Our study group were only around 25 students, where we could have very intimate lectures with the professors, and among students themselves. This is one of the classroom where I learned the course object oriented programming.
Beyond engineering – practicality of all the courses- 课程的实践性
In Groep T, every main course had also practical session, from which students needed to deliver projects as a team, I remembered there were days I spent more than 6 hours in the lab, to test the result and deliver the project. Each project needs to be demoed and source code to be handed in.
在Groep T,每一门主要课程都伴有实验课,学生必须分成小组完成实验,并最后交一个项目给老师。我记得当年有的时候在学校的实验室待上一天不只6个小时,因为项目必须要给老师和同学演示,工作以后才能上交。
Projects embraces creativity – 每一个项目都鼓励创新
Thanks to small study groups, each team got to choose the project subject themselves, we were never told what to do, subjects were decided among the team, I remembered we had very creative and interesting projects among the students.
During my studies, the most common way to talk to people is not “How do you like the weather”, but “What is your project for xxx about?”.
在我学习期间,最常谈的话题不是‘你觉得今天天气如何’, 而是‘你这门课的项目题目是什么?’。
Also focus on communication and management – 也注重交流和管理
Since I started working, I was amazed how bad communication and management skills some of the engineers had, but if I looked around, students from Grope T generally had very good communication skills.
自从我开始工作以来,我对有的工程师的交流以及管理能力感到(差得)诧异,但是如果我看看Groep T 的学生,他们这方面的能力都不错。
Although Groep T was an engineering school, but we strongly believed that communication and managerial is genially a must for engineers, that is why, every semester, we had communication and management course, as usual, also projects were delivered.
Care about international students – 关心国际学生
We had fellow students coming from China, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Nepal, India etc, we were able to get to know each other’s culture and collaborate easily.
The first year when we arrived, the international office organised 10 mini city trips during weekend to the famous cities in Europe, it was a wonderful experience to discover Europe with fellow students and teachers with a low budget.
Groep T also provided student kots for international students for the first year, so that they did not have to worry about not having a place to sty when they just arrived to a strange country.
Oral exam 口试
Most of the exam questions were open questions, first answered by students via writing, and then each and every of the students would need to go to the teacher to finish the oral examination.
A student passed the exam because he really understood the theory, not because of guessing or luck. A student who forgets to put the answer on the paper would not lose the score if he demonstrated his knowledge in the oral exam.
I have never seen oral exam in any other universities I studied, it required lots of work from the professors. 这种考试方式需要老师花费大量的精力来准备,我从来没有看到其他学校有这样的考试方式。
Mixed culture empowerment – 鼓励学生交流文化,了解彼此
During the master year, both Dutch and English study groups in the department of Electronics and IT were mixed together into English group. The professors encouraged local and international students to work together on the projects, labs, etc , some professors went even further and gave bonus points if the teams were composed of international and local members.

Study trips to China 到中国的毕业旅行
Each year, Groep T organised 2 study trips during Easter break, one for Belgian students to visit China (with a Chinese student as guide for each subgroup), another one for international students to visit Europe.
每一届本科毕业之前,我们学校都会在复活节期间组织两个毕业旅行, 一个是比利时学生们去中国的旅行,另一个是国际学生去欧洲城市的旅行。
After those 2 trips, students’ (especially Flemish students’) mindsets were completely changed, they shared loads of funny stories which happened in China which increased collaboration, and they generally became much more interested in other countries’ culture, as a result, they became more open minded too. Check one of the post from my friend Toon here: A passion for China.
这次旅行之后,学生们(尤其是当地学生)眼见开阔了,也对中国有了新的认识,他们回来以后都会兴奋地和我们分享很多搞笑的细节,加深了我们之间的沟通。他们通常也对其他国家的文化也更加感兴趣,从而思想更加开放了。如果感兴趣,可以看一看我的好友Toon的一篇文章 A passion for China.。
Our graduation ceremony 我们的毕业典礼
It was the most exciting and fruitful moment from the three years of our lives in Groep T, the moment the professor declared: “when your names are announced, you are an Engineer”, then followed my name, I almost cried.
这对我个人来说是这三年在Groep T 来最激动人心而且最有成就感的一刻,当时Luc 老师说,“当我念到你的名字的时候,说明你成为了一个工程师”, 紧接着我就听到了我的名字,我的眼泪几乎掉下来了。

Write at last 写在最后
Although it has been 10 years since I started my journey in Groep T, I will forever remember those sweet times I spent with the professors, the local languages I learned,the fellow students, the exam stress, and the very same place where I met my current husband.

Thanks Groep T for giving us such opportunities to finish our study, and thank all my fellow students who spent 3 years while we grew up together, some of them are still around as one of my closest friends, especially thanks Li Zhi for taking and providing those wonderful photos!
感谢Groep T给我这个机会完成学业,也感谢所有同班同学这三年的陪伴和共同成长,他们当中有的人如今还在我身边,成为了我生命中最重要的人。感谢李智同学把当年的点滴用iphone记录下来保存了我们这些回忆!
What do you miss the most? Leave a comment 🙂
Related movie – A beautiful mind (2001)
As part of this blog post, I would like to recommend a movie called A beautiful mind (2001), IMDB 8.2/10. It is based on a real story, about a brilliant but asocial mathematician working in Princeton university, and about his life adventure about love, psychology, work , ups and downs, but eventually he managed to win a Nobel price thanks to his mathematical model.
I loved this movie not only because of my very respect to the people who work in academy, but also because I absolutely love John Nash’s attachment to his campus, and of course the campus itself – all buildings are grand but unique, all with European style but different architecture, if you get a chance to visit, definitely recommend!
看了你对groept的怀念以后才明白为什么这个问题我要思考这么久 其实因为我其实没有很enjoy在groept的时光 所以我真的想不出有什么可怀念的😂
btw鲁文大学里其实口试这种形式还是很多的 我们这个学期就有免疫学的口试 400多名学生🤯
嗯嗯 我忘了一个问题,其实不同专业之间差别还是很大的,我是从电子学生的角度来写的,所以估计感受会有不同,很正常啦。我现在vub就没有口试,一个班70个人,感觉特别怀念Groep T的教学方式。